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【Event】2024.03.28 CGU Let's Chat AI Competition Announcement and CGU TAIDE Platform Launch Ceremony

To encourage faculty and students at Chang Gung University (CGU), as well as colleagues from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH), to adopt generative AI tools in order to enhance their innovative creativity, CGU College of Intelligent Computing (CoIC) and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIC) jointly host the second "CGU Let’s Chat AI Innovation" competition.

The competition will use the NSTC newly developed Taiwan AI chat engine – "Trustworthy AI Dialogue Engine (TAIDE)" as the competition platform. Competition participants will be given free access to the CGU-TAIDE platform deployed on campus at the AIC.

For the first time, the competition is also open to CGMH resident physicians.

The Competition Announcement and the TAIDE Platform Launch Ceremony will be held on March 28th (Thursday) from 12:00 to 13:00 at the CGU Artificial Intelligence Research Center.

We sincerely welcome all AI enthusiasts to join us!


CGU Let’s Chat AI Competition Announcement and CGU TAIDE Platform Launch Ceremony

  1. Date: 2024/03/28 (Thu) 12:00-13:00

  2. Venue: CGU Artificial Intelligence Research Center (11F, Management Building)

  3. Join online: https://reurl.cc/rrea5x

  4. Competition webpage: https://www.cgu.edu.tw/coic/Contents?nodeId=6269


 No registration needed to attend this event.

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