【AI Seminar】Data Analytics in Healthcare Research by Dr. Chee-Jen Chang, Director of Research Services Center for Health Information (RSCHI)


TopicData Analytics in Healthcare Research
Dr. Chee-Jen Chang, Director of Research Services Center for Health Information (RSCHI) 
2022.11.29 (Tue) 14:00-16:00
CGU Artificial Intelligence Research Center (Management Building 11F)
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Talk Abstract:

Bio and clinical Medicine has become increasingly reliant on computation, with various complex data streams requiring novel technologies to expand upon traditional workflows, such as decision support, diagnosis, risk assessment, triage, etc. In past, government and clinical research entities relied on the testing hypothesis driving approaches to solve interested questions, it requires study design and precise statistical methods to achieve the research goal or administrative regulations to share the scientific findings and make decision from government such as FDA. Advanced development of mathematical and statistical theory, machine learning has become the additional tool to tackle the problems raised in this area. In the meantime, thanks to the strong computer technology which provide faster computational power that benefits to the computation based statistical method such as Classification and Regression Tree method (Breiman and others, 1984). Thus, computational statistics become one of the tools in the research area which leads to the latter topics such as machine learning, data mining and others. Data Science is thus become one of the key research dynasty. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a mainstream in almost every research and application area including healthcare. In this talk, data analytic will be introduced focus on the health care research, which includes the methodological approach in common clinical and genetic epidemiology studies, clinical trials data and real world data (RWD) observational studies. Examinations and evaluations of tools in statistical and computational statistics with study design will be made and future data analytic based approach in data science to the healthcare will be proposed and discussed. 

About the Speaker:

Professor Chang receives his PhD in Statistics from University of Iowa in USA.  He then became a faculty member in Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University in New York City. During his service in AECOM, he helped to establish the General Clinical Research Center, Clinical Trials Center and Biostatistical Core of Cancer Center. In 1999, he returned to Taiwan and helped to establish Clinical Trial Center in National Taiwan University Hospital. Later in 2006, he was invited to Chang Gung University as a Full Professor. He also established a RCT/HTA master program department of Biomedical Science in 2019 to educate the master students who are interested in pursuing their career in the related pharmaceutical areas.

Organizers: Artificial Intelligence Research Center & College of Intelligent Computing


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